Drills - Core & Twist

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Diamond-Coated Core Drill Bits

Use our diamond-coated core drills for drilling hard abrasive materials like glass, ceramic, porcelain, ceramic tile, porcelain tile, limestone, slate, marble, granite, light stone, and fiberglass and many other hard abrasive materials. At Triatic, we offer a variety of diamond-core drill bits in different diameters and grit sizes for a wide variety of applications. These drills are commonly used in the electronics industry, for work in ceramic, glass and sapphire. Contractors can drill porcelain and ceramic tile for bathroom and kitchen installations and more. Because diamond drill bits are used to drill in extremely hard materials, it is very important to use proper drill pressure to keep from overheating the bit.  Excessive pressure is merely converted to heat energy and can burn up a bit very quickly. While these drills can be used dry, you will achieve much longer life when used with a water coolant. Check out our diamond-coated drill bits today!


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